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Content Design

Value Proposition

Increasing signups through clearly explained, user-centered benefits of the Sean's Legacy Mentorship platform.


3 out of 6 mentees don't understand the purpose of the Sean's Legacy platform. Help mentees understand the value mentorship provides and who Sean's Legacy is.


Frontload important information to provide value proposition up front. Clarify purpose of the platform using concise, personalized copy.


By focusing on benefits for the user and not the features that offer those benefits, 5 out of 6 mentees are more likely to sign up for mentorship.

My Role

Content Designer on a team of 3

Clarifying purpose, cost, and location upfront

Value propositions let people know 2 things:

  • What value a product provides
  • What value that product provides specifically for them
  • With no clear value proposition, users don't understand what they get from mentorship through the Sean's Legacy Mentorship platform.

    A tagline is being used in place of a value proposition, offering no clear understanding of the purpose of the program.


    landing page with tagline


    landing page providing useful info

    Stating young adults rather than youth in the copy is important for further clarification of who the platform is for. This copy also helps distinguish a separation from Sean's Legacy's non-profit mission.

    Adding upfront that mentorship is virtual, free, and specifically for the LGBTQIA+ community offers clarity and helps build trust from the start.

    Why should I sign up for the Sean's Legacy Mentorship Program?

    A logical question located in the wrong place. Originally on the about page, the content hierarchy was changed to include this information on the first screen a user visits, the landing page.

    Existing text was used as a header, shortening the copy and making it easier to scan and comprehend.




    No clear understanding of why someone would sign up for mentorship and the assumption that users already know what the program is all about


    Clearly explained benefits of the mentorship platform and upfront information on what the registration process entails

    Sean's Legacy wanted to share their mentorship goals but initial designs lacked transparency

    The goals of the platform were restructured to show users what benefit the platform gives them.

    Research showed users want increased personalization, so copy was written to speak directly to each mentee, using "you" instead of "they" or "mentees".

    After, readability was improved by adding headers and simply explaining the benefits of signing up for the platform.



    Increased understanding through content design

    Through small copy changes and re-ordering of content placement, 5 out 6 mentees report increased understanding of the platform compared to 3 out of 6 before the update.

    UX writers should be embedded within design teams

    At times it was difficult to write copy or develop content because our team didn't have as clear of an understanding of constraints or design decisions as the designers did.

    Our team had a content representative present during most design working sessions, which helped create a cohesive cross-functional environment as requirements changed frequently throughout the project. We were able to collaborate and offer guidance in real time which was especially helpful as the entire team was global and otherwise often needed to work asynchronously.

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